Typing Speed Test

Test your typing speed and accuracy. The test results will appear when you are done. The timer for each test starts automatically when you begin typing.

Test Your Typing Speed

This typing test will measure your typing accuracy and speed on all the letter keys:

typing is quite easy and enjoyable when you have learned to do it correctly. it is amazing just how quick you can be when you learn to touch type all the letters exactly, from a to z. just relax and realize that typing with excellent accuracy is far better than typing fast; you will find it is quicker in the end.

Want to improve? Your typing speed and skill will increase with practice. Practice typing great quotes from great books! Entertain your mind while your fingers learn to type faster.

Still peeking at the keyboard? Try these online touch typing lessons and learn how to type without looking. They are totally free!

Typing Skill Tests

Intermediate Typing Test

Test your skills typing capital letters and basic punctuation:

Capital letters are used frequently - learning to type them efficiently is "key" to excellent typing! QWERTY keyboards have two large size SHIFT keys, which make it very convenient. Just make sure to utilize the opposite hand to hold the shift key when you type a capital letter. It's much easier this way.

Number Typing Test

Typing numbers can be tricky, but practice will make you a spreadsheet whiz. This typing test covers number and math symbol keys.

12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100. 99 + 88 + 77 + 66 + 55 + 44 + 33 + 22 + 11 - 12 - 23 - 34 - 45 - 56 - 67 - 78 - 89 - 90 = 1. Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950... 23/7 = 3.2857142857... 1kB (kilobyte) = 2^10 bytes = (2^10) * 8 bits. e = 1 + 1/1 + 1/(1*2) + 1/(1*2*3)... = 2.71828... ln(e) = 1 = e^(i*2*pi).

Master Typing Test

Too easy for you? The next typing test is extremely challenging and uses numbers and symbols extensively. Just getting through this test is an accomplishment. Score above 40 WPM and you are truly a typing master!

How fast can you type? Typing @ >40 WPM (normal text) is considered fast, but "pros" often exceed ~80WPM! $2.19/page (250 words/page) = $23.652/hour @ 45 WPM & $42.048/hour @ 80 WPM! Words Per Minute, or "WPM" = [((Total Characters)/5) * (60/Seconds)] @ 100% accuracy. ***However, Adjusted WPM = [(Chars. - (<# of Errors>)*5) * (60/Seconds)*** Fact #418: 2^(2^2)*2^(2^2)) = 2^(2^2 + 2^2) = 2^(2+2+2+2)!!